tillydrone gateway sculpture

tillydrone gateway sculpture

tillydrone gateway sculpture 2021 public art commission (design stage only) as one of the shortlisted artists these are the maquettes and final design made in response to the project brief for tillydrone gateway feature to create a sculpture at the entrance to the...
backhouse rossie

backhouse rossie

time to gather in the tools 2018 backhouse rossie, auchtermuchty, fife Throughout the month of August 2018 I was invited by Andrew and Caroline Thomson to undertake a Micro Residency at Backhouse Rossie, near Auchtermuchty in Fife. For this project, I selected some of...
aden country park

aden country park

enter the forest & wee gates 2017 aden country park commissioned by The Friends of Aden for a project designed to introduce public art into Aden Country Park. The humble wooden farm gate – once one of the most common structures in the farming landscape...
nobles & commoners

nobles & commoners

nobles & commoners 2017 langstane place studio plywood, panel pins and acrylic paint The title comes from the first two classes of the Old Irish Tree-List of the ‘Bretha Comaithchesa’ which divided native Irish trees into 4 classes of seven trees each. Nobles:...


miscellaneous 2007 – 2017 langstane place studio things that don’t really fit anywhere else . . . . . . . click on an image to view in full...